Sunday, October 31

Accotink Creek

Accotink Creek - next to I-495 aka "The Beltway"
Rainbow Trout

What We Caught
Nothing. Boooooo. It was still great to get out and go fishing - even with the big rigs blasting by.
What We Learned
  • People stare at you on the metro when you have fly gear.
  • Delayed Harvest is an interesting theory. The jury is still out.
  • When the construction is all done, the park will be a very nice to escape for a few hours. Here is an shot from a little ways upstream.

This access path doesn't look like much, but the park will be very nice with the construction is done.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great park ... hopefully in a couple of years the fish will find it too. Especially like the thought of guys in wader on the Metro.
