Cape Lookout 2010

Where We Went:
South Core Bank (a/k/a Davis Island), Cape Lookout National Seashore
Time to Slow Down
What We Caught:
Flounder, Bluefish, Florida Pompano, some Puffers and one Toad:
Now that there is one UGLY fish!
(But excellent eating.)
Things We Learned (In No Particular Order):
  • That commercial ferry operators generally don't like it when you pull into their parking lot at 1:52 PM for a 2:00 sharp ferry reservation.  (The drive from Winston-Salem to Davis is farther than it looks.)  And still have to pack one truck into the other.
  • Air mattresses, while certainly more comfortable than hard sand, do tend to get a little chilly after three am. 
  • High tide at four am is noisy.
  • That we have a lot to learn about reading the surf and finding good places to set up for fish.
  • King's BBQ, Kinston, NC:  New favorite fishing food.  Goes great with eggs, too.
  • The minimum length for a tent stake is 18".  Otherwise, expect that you will have a large kite.
  • Proper rationing of sunscreen: one-half bottle per person per day.  SPF 30 is just getting started.
  • It is not the quality of rods you set out (though there is a certain minimum threshold), it is the quantity.
  • Even the dogs don't like the NPS drinking water on the island.
  • There is plenty of bait in the sea, you just have to go find it - but you must also have the proper hooks to catch it.
  • Fillet knives, fish scalers, rubber gloves, kitchen shears, and cutting boards - these items should not be considered optional.
  • Boot-foot chest waders and ten-weight fly rods - while these items are in fact optional, I want both.
  • There is not enough bug spray in the world.
  • Do not expect to stop for lunch.  Especially while the fishing is good.

Looking to the Future.
Andrew and I agreed on two things very early on: first, that we were coming back, and second, that we should treat the trip as a scouting expedition for future trips.  Therefore, think about this:
  • Late in October, starting on the Sunday after the Tennessee-Alabama game, for at least three nights (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday).
    One of the 8- or 10-Man NPS Cabins,
    with a second one to the right.
  • We hope to get one of the NPS cabins  reserved (a six man for four people, and eight for six, etc.).  Should come to ~$125/person for the trip.
  • Out-of-staters should look into flights in and out of Jacksonville, NC (will need to coordinate flights and getting a rental car, which will then be left at the ferry landing).  
  • If we have more than four people we will need at least two 4WD vehicles, meaning we need a second. 
  • Expect a couple of dogs.
  • While we need to make reservations no later than March 1, there is no need to say yes/no until Christmas at the earliest. 
Pictures (or, Why You Want to Go):

Andrew's Flounder Double
Will's Mixed Double (Pompano and Flounder)
South Point at Cape Lookout.  Notice the waves on either side of the trucks.

Headed south to a the fishing hole - the ocean is on the left.  
Dinner (Note the high tech fish scaler.)
The Expert Fish Sniffer at Work
The Camp Cook makes a mean Breakfast.

Andrew at Sunset
The new definition of what constitutes a crowd.
Heading Home on the Ferry
(Hey, you got any more Scoobie snacks?)

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