Saturday, July 31

My Brother's Dog

This is Zoe. She is a hunting machine.
Funny Story. When my brother got her, he wasn't exactly planning on getting a dog. As I understand it, he'd just graduated from Ole Miss and was in the process of buying a house. About the same time the Old Man decided he needed a hunting dog and put a deposit down on a puppy. Only no one, including our Mom, knew about this. The Old Man has a history of having done this, and while he hasn't yet learned not to, he has at least learned that he needs to give her a heads up before the new pup arrives. So anyway, he's in process of delivering the news and, well, he loses. So he offers the dog to my brother. Well, not the dog - the non-refundable deposit. My brother still has to decide if he wants a puppy, drop everything and get down to the kennel (I think it was near Augusta, GA), pick her up, and get her back home, all withing less than 24 hours. Thankfully, he did.

She's hunted in more states than most people have been to:
  • Tennessee
(This is a really cool shot our other brother took with a high speed camera.)
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Alabama
  • Mississippi
  • Arkansas
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
  • Kansas
  • Saskatchewan
Time to go home.
Hey Dad, where's home today?

Saturday, July 10

Fishing Report

Ocean Crest Pier, Oak Island, NC

Sea trout, supposedly, but in reality, anything that would bite!

What We Caught:
A couple of whiting, some undersized blues, a couple of flukes and a whole bunch of sand sharks. And a single trout.

What We Learned:
First and foremost, that the Fourth of July sea trout run isn't quite so "clockwork" as the locals would have you believe. But, thanks to some retired old salts on a tidal creek, we did learn how to throw a six foot casting net, something that will stay with us into the future.